Blizzard Baby
Blizzard Baby
This month is exciting for everyone, not just me.
It isn’t ALWAYS about Capricorns. Baby snowflakes.
There’s something tangible and intangible about January; it follows New Year’s, yes, but the season has something unique to it. Snowflakes. Shoveling snow and complaining even though secretly this is the most fun you’ve had all Fall long J
It’s not about clothes, mint- the ice princess vibes.
Winter is a Wonderland. The nights are long, as they are cozy.
Hot cocoa tastes MORE. AND weekend getaways to somewhere tropical is justified.
I was born in the blizzard of 96, yes that blizzard. And since then, as much as I don’t “love” the cold,- winter is what I resonate with.
Long car rides with the steam on full blast. Double blankets even though the window is open because the balance of toasty warm and cool is what soothes.
No two snowflakes are the same, kind of like fingerprints…
Thinking in terms of winter is like revisiting all my favorite moments. I guess this is my ode to “these are a few of my favorite things.”
Winter activities and clothes that look chic without trying.
Hearing the steam, waking up, and realizing it’s the weekend, then going back to bed.
Tomato soup, warm veggies, ice cream, gloves on the table.
Winter white.
Brisk walks, boots and hats, molten chocolate cake on Friday night.
Plausible personal (sick) days because it’s flu season. Uggs, just for the house.
Winter vibes.
I always had a love-hate relationship with January. When I was younger, naturally, each year seemed like a milestone by default. 16, 18, 21, these are achievements. Now it feels like each age is incumbent upon a specific milestone- and we each have our own. At some point, I knew I wanted to be published in a magazine, work, and find a way to be not just working but fulfilled, maybe even venture into #GirlBoss territory.
I want to contribute- to society as a whole. That’s why most of the marketing campaigns I work with are usually in the not for profit “for the Klal/good cause” sphere.
Chanukah comes right before January, and I love how spiritual it is- it’s also the best of both worlds in terms of holiday mood + day to day of regular schedule. So this is what struck me, I passed the menorahs; all were lit around the same time, and there was one lone flame still burning precariously. It was aglow for the whole room, even though all its counterparts had extinguished. Everyone has their own “time,” but the flame left standing can spread glow onto the others.
This was the spark I needed to recognize that we all have a flame that has the power to spread aglow or even to “snowflake” because no two milestones are the same ❄️.