What's Up? WhatsApp
What’s Up? WhatsApp
Yiddeshe Kups have a way of tapping into things before it’s even a #thing. Like our mothers have been breeding us since inception, it’s all about optimizing; ringing every opportunity dry until we’ve maximized. If something is free, we take two, and technology is no exception.
When I was contemplating phone plans, I decided I was going to be that person. A marketer by profession while still maintain technological integrity. I would not succumb to the WhatsApp pressures on my phone (work phone #yasss.)
But then, that fateful day came when my blackberry business died (or got waterlogged) and the technician informed me that my phone plan would no longer work with the blackberry model. (I blame the Apple cult for monopolizing the Verizon sphere) my father generously offered his old iPhone (he recently received an upgrade) and I acquiesced under the pretense that it would only be until I figured out a flip phone plan C. My rendezvous with WhatsApp is twofold.
At first, it was a mini addiction; every ping was some form of red alert! You’re are being pinnggged!
The groups were exciting; cooking chats, shmiras halashon, shidduchim, tznius groups, friend chats, inspirational chats, What’s up WhatsApp became more of a sheila, lehavdil, like when you spend all afternoon munching since the meal, what kind of bracha achrona do you make? There was no need to say Hi, how are you? I NEVER SAID GOODBYE! When I got the weekly timer of how much time I spent on each app... this is when I came to a screening halt. (pun time ;) If I allocated the hours I spent on social chatting- and put it into meaningful actions such as reading a good book, calling a friend, doing an activity, or learning a new skill; this left me with a hefty dose of panic emoji.
The initial plan of action was to implement the app timer and “install” the no data option with my phone plan. Both of which enabled me to set by default limits on my WhatsApp relationship. This was when something else happened- I learned to make the app work for me, on my terms. Besides for WhatsApp being a direct depiction of everything our generation stands for, and yes I mean it’s a means of communication that’s fast enough to keep up with the “I want it now and by now meaning I would like to see you replying before I hit send!” generation. This real-time app is a mode for the formation of elevated groups; Tehillim, Shidduch, Business. In short, WhatsApp can be a means of communication that facilitates quality opportunity; something meaningful is cultivated through this real-time messaging platform.
This isn’t when I “realized” that everything has its positive and negative attributes- but I recently saw firsthand how impactful the platform could be. When someone isn’t well or needs a yeshua...the promotion is instantaneous. Start a Tehillim chat, post it on your status, pm it to your friends and before you know it, 256 individuals, 200 of which are probably anonymous will be saying Tehillim round the clock. This isn’t what WhatsApp chats were intended for, more like, planning extended family getaways and networking pods, but as aforementioned, Yiddish kups have a way of maximizing.
Take it or leave it. Redting Shidduchim is happening online. There are individuals, who are round the clock facilitating matches. Motzei Shabbos “it’s a great time to post someone you know,” at a chasuna “this is where the youngins are,” Erev Yom Tov “I know you ladies are busy but “my niece is in town...know a guy?” Because of the real-time-ness, (sans email back and forth or call me later phone calls), people have access to opportunities and facilitators who would otherwise be out of “network” if not via WhatsApp. The rate at which technology is consumed has accelerated- and we’ve jumped onto this bandwagon with full force.
Now let’s talk business...besides for WhatsApp status marketing becoming a #thing within the Jewish community (because of the nature of insulated media- status is an optimal way for people to post and reach everyone within their broad network (so long as you're both saved in each other’s contacts!)) I find business chats to be extremely helpful...people want to showcase their expert expertise and do so by contributing to business chat forums...then they engage. A business owner from Lakewood who I would have no access with is someone I can reach out to for expertise in a specific field (Google and Amazon ads) and they answer! Send links...offer real-time feedback. People are juggling multiple tasks at a rapid rate...WhatsApp is the quick way to gain access- and if they don’t want to answer? Those two blue check marks hold them accountable ;)
Love it or hate it, there’s positive attributed to everything. It’s nice to see the Jewish adage in real-time. Yiddish Kups really do optimize every opportunity.